Sunday, November 22, 2015

Our Last Blog

This will be LaOrganic Foods last blog. Yes it's sad, but over the last month and a half I have learned a lot about social media. My favorite platforms we used were Blogger and Facebook. They're both easy to use and you could schedule when you wanted posts/blogs to go up. I have mixed feelings about Twitter though, I think that's just because I still don't see the point in it. But it is easy to use and a lot of people have it. It's definitely good for a business to have. I also enjoyed doing the podcast. I never thought about using a podcast for a grocery store, but I think more stores should try it out.

Social Media Apps
One platform I didn't care for was Instagram. Personally it was hard for me to come up with what to put up on it. I do think it's a cool app, but for me it was kind of hard to market through it. Kind of along the same lines, towards the end I was running out of creative things to say, especially on Twitter. It's a lot of work to keep up with Social Media and to keep everything organized. I do like how I got to be creative with it though!

Social Media I think is great for businesses to have! More local businesses should try to get onto social media sites and stay up to date with them. It's a great way to get your name out there. There's so many on Social Media that it could almost hurt a business if you weren't on it somehow. For a real business I would definitely recommend Facebook, Twitter and even Blogger. They're big Social Media sites that people are on everyday, great for marketing.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Let's Make It Easy

Have you heard? LaOrganic Foods now has a smart phone app that you can download onto your phone! It's called LaFood for You. What does LaFood for You do? It makes grocery shopping quick and easy for you. With our app you can order your groceries through it and put in a time when you want to come pick them up. This way with your busy life you live you can do your grocery shopping on the go and pick up your groceries whenever works for you.

That's not all LaFood for You can do for you. It also has quick, easy, and healthy recipes that you can give a try. The recipes ingredients all come from our store which allows you to purchase the ingredients if you want to try out the recipe. It gives you the total as well so you know how much a meal is going to cost you.

Download our app this week and come into LaOrganic Foods and show us! You'll get a free cup of coffee or hot chocolate with 10% off your purchase that day. So give LaFood for You a try and tell us what you think of it. Tell us your favorite recipes from it and if there's any we should add. LaFood for You is the app for you.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Things are getting a bit Hairy

Will this be you this
No-Shave November?
It's that time of the year again to grow out your hair and let the breeze flow through it. Yes it's No-Shave November! Who doesn't love this month? It allows everyone to let loose a bit and not worry about shaving or waxing for a whole month. But lets not forget about the meaning of No-Shave November.

No-Shave November was created to raise cancer awareness and money for cancer prevention and research. For this month instead of spending money on razors and waxing, donate your money to go towards No-Shave November.

Here at LaOrganic Foods we want you to send in pictures to us of your No-Shave November! Half way through the week we'll post some of your guys pictures and we want you to come in and vote on your favorite No-Shave November by donating money to raise cancer awareness.

The Classic Lumberjack look
you can never go wrong with!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Who's the Best Cookie of Them All?

"NOM NOM NOM" - Cookie Monster
On Friday the 4th we're having a cookie baking contest! Come in to LaOrganic Foods this week to register to enter for the contest. The contest it opened to anyone eight and up. The last day to register will be Tuesday the 3rd.

All the contestants cookies must be brought to the store by 1pm on Wednesday and will judged at 2pm. The top three winners will be announced later in the evening through our Vine, which will also be uploaded on our Twitter!

First Prize Winner will Receive
  • $50 LaOrganic Foods Gift Card
  • Two Cookie Baking Sheets/Trays
  • Free Fresh Coffee/Hot chocolate for the month of November when they come into the store.
Second Prize Winner
  • $30 LaOrganic Foods Gift Card
  • A Baking Cookbook
Third Prize Winner
  • $15 LaOrganic Foods Gift Card

Also check out our very first commercial on Magisto. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Scary Great Sales!

How good are your pumpkin
 carving skills?
This week at LaOrganic Foods we're having a huge Halloween Sale! Not only are we have an awesome Halloween Sale but we're also having a pumpkin carving contests. This week send us pictures of your carved pumpkins to our Facebook or Twitter and the top three winners will win a $15 dollar gift card. We'll announce the pumpkin carving winners on November 1st on our Facebook page. 

Also this week be sure to stop in on Halloween for some trick-or-treating from 5pm to 8pm. Be sure to wear a costume to get some candy and 10% any purchases made. Also, if you wear a costume you can get your picture taken at our store and the top three winners will be posted on our Facebook page the next day and will win a hair raising prize!
Can't resist a delicious caramel apple!

Our Spooky Good Deals

This week Monday through Sunday here are a few things what we'll have on sale...
  • Apples buy two get one FREE
  • All Organic Candy 25% off
  • Pumpkins (Locally Grown) 25% off
  • Caramel Apples buy one get one FREE
  • Candy Corn is a classic Halloween treat
  • Rush River Beer 10% off

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Three Easy Steps to Becoming Healthier

Step One: Exercise

Some studs getting their daily workout in.
Just a total of 30 minutes a day of working out can make you healthier. This doesn't mean you have to join a gym and do intense workouts. Unless that's your thing then go for it! But you can get a work out in from walking, riding your bike, or roller blading. For example, instead of driving around in your car to do your errands, walk or ride your bike. Or if you don't live on campus you could walk or roller blade to your classes.

Step Two: Eat a Little Healthier

Yum! Stir fry filled with vegetables.
Just little changes in your diet can make a difference. Instead of going out to eat for lunch pack your own! When you pack your lunch it's good to have something with protein in it so it's keeps you full for the rest of the day so you're not looking for quick and sugary snacks later on. Fruits and vegetables are another good thing to pack, they have your daily vitamins and nutrients you need. If you find yourself going out to eat for supper a lot too try to make more healthy at home meals. Don't let, "I don't have enough time to make supper." be an excuse either. A crockpot would be a good investment! This way you can prepare meals before you leave in the morning so when you come home supper is ready!

Step Three: Get Ride of Stress and Have Fun

Winnie the Pooh knows how
important naps are.
Take a nap! Yes taking naps are good for you. It's been proven that naps can help improve physical and mental health. Now this doesn't mean you should skip doing your assignment that you have due that day just to take a nap because that will cause stress too. But if you stay organized you can get all your work done on time which will allow you to find time to take a nice needed nap. Also remember to have fun! Go out with friends every once in awhile.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Show Your Support

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Braclet
One in eight women will develop some form of breast cancer in their lives. Which probably means most of you know at least one person who has had or is fighting breast cancer. So this month at LaOrganic Foods we're raising awareness! We'll be selling pink breast cancer awareness bracelets. If you buy one you'll get 20% off your purchase for that day and any other time you come in this month wearing the bracelet you'll get 10% off your purchase.

Also this month every Saturday morning from 8am to 10am we'll be having a bake sale to help raise money to go towards research for curing breast cancer! We'd love for some of you to help volunteer with the bake sales. Come in to LaOrganic Foods if you're interested and get some more information on volunteering. If you volunteer you'll get a free Breast Cancer Awareness Bracelet which you can use this month for 10% off your purchases.

Be sure to stop in and show your support! We'll be having great deals this whole month on our hot chocolate and coffee. Also be sure to like us on Facebook, we'll be putting up some deliciously healthy recipes! We can't wait to see you!

Follow us on:

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Let's get Spooky

It's a Party!

On October 30th LaOrganic Foods and Kearns Board Company is putting on an awesome Halloween party! It starts at 7pm and goes till 1am. The party will be at Kearns Board's where they'll have great deals on their longboard's and snowboard's. But that's not all! Come dressed up and win great prizes! You could even win a new snowboard.

At our party there will be...

Two haunted houses
Food and drinks
(supplied by LaOrganic Foods)
A bon fire
Live music
Tickets will be on sale at both LaOrganic Foods and Kearns Board Company. You can also buy tickets the night of the party but be warned there's a limit. So get your tickets before they're all sold out!

A little bit about Kearns Board Company

Kearns Board Company is owned and operated by Johnny Kearns who at a the young age of 6 got into snowboarding, wakeboarding, skateboarding and longboarding. Boarding is a passion of his and that's why he started Kearns Board Company. He wants to provide others with the same joy and opportunity with some awesome boards. Stop in his store and check it out! He's an expert and can help find the perfect board for you.


Sunday, September 27, 2015

10 Foods to Help Keep You Healthy

Stay Healthy This School Year

School has already started as long with the stress that comes with it. We all know with our busy lives it's hard to find time to eat healthy. But LaOrganic Foods is here for you! Here's our list of 10 foods that are quick and healthy for you:


Apples are a good source of fiber and vitamin C. The antioxidant's in them help protects your body's cells from damage.



Almonds are FILLED with nutrients like fiber, riboflavin, magnesium, iron and calcium. They're good for your heart and may help lower blood cholesterol.



Broccoli contains folate, vitamin C, and vitamin A. Vitamin A has been found to help with preserving eye health!


Have a bad short-term memory? Eat some blueberries! They can help with short-term memories and help with healthy aging! Blueberries also have been found to help prevent heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.



Oily fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines can help prevent cardiovascular disease, vision loss, and dementia. They contain vitamin D, protein, selenium, and omega-3 fatty acid (which is a healthy fat that the body can't produce on its own).

Dark-leafy Vegetables

Lots of dark-leafy vegetables, like spinach, contain vitamins A and C, folate, and magnesium. These vegetables can help boost your immune system, and may help prevent heart disease.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are filled with vitamins A and C, fiber, vitamin B-6 and potassium. They reduce the risk of some cancers and can help slow the aging process!


Avocados are a super food! They contain a lot of vitamins, fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and potassium (even more potassium then bananas). Avocados help reduce the risk of heart disease, strengthen the immune system, help regulate blood pressure, and are good for your skin.


Oatmeal gives you energy, protein, and healthy fats. If you're looking to lose some weight, eat oatmeal! It helps fill you up so you won't crave those sugary, fatty snacks later in the day. Oatmeal also reduces the risk of heart disease, and lowers cholesterol.


Yogurt has probiotics in it which helps to stop the growth of harmful bacteria in your gut. Yogurt is also a good source of calcium!

LaOrganic Foods wants to Help You

It's time for you to get out there and switch your diet up with some healthy foods. Try to add some of these foods to your everyday diet and you'll start to notice you have more energy for your busy life. LaOrganic Foods is here for you and wants to help you stay healthy! Stop in and say hi to us and we'll help you find some delicious and healthy food just for you.

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter and get the latest updates on our events and sales!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Come Get Your Food On

LaOrganic Foods: Open House

LaOrganic Foods is inviting you to come to our open house on Saturday, October 3rd. We can't wait to meet everyone! The open house will starting at 10am and going to 5pm. We have lots of delicious food, great prizes, and fun activities. Don't forget to invite your friends and family for all the fun!


  • Help us decorate our grocery store! Coloring Contest (winners drawings will be hung up in the store and will receive prizes): All Day
  • Silent Auction: Starts at 10am Closes at 4pm
  • For ages 21 and older sign up for beer and wine tasting (supplied from local breweries and wineries): 1pm-5pm
  • There will be a demonstrator showing how to make quick and easy snacks and meals: Every Hour
  • There will be 3 drawings for LaOrganic Foods gift cards: 12pm, 2pm, 5pm

What's to Eat?

All the food is supplied by us at LaOrganic Foods


Main Courses
Peach and Brie Sandwiches
Pulled Pork Sandwiches
Grilled Fruit Kebabs
Harvest Moon Squash Soup
Cheddar and Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
Apple Pie
Pumpkin Pie
Fresh Chocolate Chip Cookies 

Follow us on Twitter to stay up date with what we have going on!