Sunday, October 18, 2015

Three Easy Steps to Becoming Healthier

Step One: Exercise

Some studs getting their daily workout in.
Just a total of 30 minutes a day of working out can make you healthier. This doesn't mean you have to join a gym and do intense workouts. Unless that's your thing then go for it! But you can get a work out in from walking, riding your bike, or roller blading. For example, instead of driving around in your car to do your errands, walk or ride your bike. Or if you don't live on campus you could walk or roller blade to your classes.

Step Two: Eat a Little Healthier

Yum! Stir fry filled with vegetables.
Just little changes in your diet can make a difference. Instead of going out to eat for lunch pack your own! When you pack your lunch it's good to have something with protein in it so it's keeps you full for the rest of the day so you're not looking for quick and sugary snacks later on. Fruits and vegetables are another good thing to pack, they have your daily vitamins and nutrients you need. If you find yourself going out to eat for supper a lot too try to make more healthy at home meals. Don't let, "I don't have enough time to make supper." be an excuse either. A crockpot would be a good investment! This way you can prepare meals before you leave in the morning so when you come home supper is ready!

Step Three: Get Ride of Stress and Have Fun

Winnie the Pooh knows how
important naps are.
Take a nap! Yes taking naps are good for you. It's been proven that naps can help improve physical and mental health. Now this doesn't mean you should skip doing your assignment that you have due that day just to take a nap because that will cause stress too. But if you stay organized you can get all your work done on time which will allow you to find time to take a nice needed nap. Also remember to have fun! Go out with friends every once in awhile.