Sunday, September 27, 2015

10 Foods to Help Keep You Healthy

Stay Healthy This School Year

School has already started as long with the stress that comes with it. We all know with our busy lives it's hard to find time to eat healthy. But LaOrganic Foods is here for you! Here's our list of 10 foods that are quick and healthy for you:


Apples are a good source of fiber and vitamin C. The antioxidant's in them help protects your body's cells from damage.



Almonds are FILLED with nutrients like fiber, riboflavin, magnesium, iron and calcium. They're good for your heart and may help lower blood cholesterol.



Broccoli contains folate, vitamin C, and vitamin A. Vitamin A has been found to help with preserving eye health!


Have a bad short-term memory? Eat some blueberries! They can help with short-term memories and help with healthy aging! Blueberries also have been found to help prevent heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.



Oily fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines can help prevent cardiovascular disease, vision loss, and dementia. They contain vitamin D, protein, selenium, and omega-3 fatty acid (which is a healthy fat that the body can't produce on its own).

Dark-leafy Vegetables

Lots of dark-leafy vegetables, like spinach, contain vitamins A and C, folate, and magnesium. These vegetables can help boost your immune system, and may help prevent heart disease.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are filled with vitamins A and C, fiber, vitamin B-6 and potassium. They reduce the risk of some cancers and can help slow the aging process!


Avocados are a super food! They contain a lot of vitamins, fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and potassium (even more potassium then bananas). Avocados help reduce the risk of heart disease, strengthen the immune system, help regulate blood pressure, and are good for your skin.


Oatmeal gives you energy, protein, and healthy fats. If you're looking to lose some weight, eat oatmeal! It helps fill you up so you won't crave those sugary, fatty snacks later in the day. Oatmeal also reduces the risk of heart disease, and lowers cholesterol.


Yogurt has probiotics in it which helps to stop the growth of harmful bacteria in your gut. Yogurt is also a good source of calcium!

LaOrganic Foods wants to Help You

It's time for you to get out there and switch your diet up with some healthy foods. Try to add some of these foods to your everyday diet and you'll start to notice you have more energy for your busy life. LaOrganic Foods is here for you and wants to help you stay healthy! Stop in and say hi to us and we'll help you find some delicious and healthy food just for you.

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter and get the latest updates on our events and sales!

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